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What I Eat in a Day Even During a Quarantine (breakfast, lunch and dinner recipes)

I get asked this constantly

Today I'm sharing with you a few recipes I love that also happen to be great for the immune system.

And I'll give you a few reasons why it's so important to keep our immune system active- especially during a pandemic, in this case, the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus.

Most of us are stuck at home right now. We can get bored and find ourselves wandering into the kitchen one too many times. But eating junk food out of boredom (and we've all done it) isn't going to do you any favors.

We need our bodies to be up and running at full capacity, ready to work for us during this time. And we don't want to get up every morning feeling sluggish and foggy-headed. We want to wake up feeling refreshed and motivated to make the most of the day- even when stuck at home.

Now is a good time to do something for yourself, something you've been wanting to try for a long time or something you miss doing. You can try new hobbies like painting, dancing, writing poetry, reading different books, or picking up an instrument.

Our Main Goals:

  • We want to have a clear, sharp mind, feel vibrant and awake.

  • Now more than ever, our bodies need all the help we can give. We want our immune system to be strong, to have the energy do its job, to be ready for battle.

  • We want to be able to recover as quickly as possible. Our bodies need to have the right nutrients available so they can repair and heal.

I've always been a big advocate for healthy eating, especially as a dancer, an athlete, I need my body to be strong and reactive to avoid injury.

So, without further ado, here are some of my favorite recipes. Bear in mind, this is an example of any random day for me. These aren't "every single day" meals. This is just what I ate on this day during a pandemic.

Some Healthy Recipes

I've never been a big breakfast person, but I do love to have my morning coffee and some warm lemon water before I workout. I love smoothies! So I usually have one after my morning workout. This one is great in the morning, and if you're working out, add a spoonful of vegan proteins to help muscles repair. Muscle fibers need protein to rebuild and strengthen.


I usually prefer a light lunch, I like to stay cognitively alert and energized, not too full and tired. UNLESS I'm working out like crazy. Then, I usually have a big lunch. But, stuck at home, I had a hearty salad- and I don't mean rabbit food!


We don't want to go to bed too full and uncomfortable, we want to digest our dinner easily so we can get a restful sleep.


There are so many delicious recipes to choose from, countless combinations of foods that boost the immune system- this is just one of them.

I’’ve got something more for you!

Take Care of Yourself. Keep Smiling. And do something for yourself that you haven't done in a long time. Take this time to love and care for yourself like never before.

Watch the Vlog 👇

Of course I’m here for you, so if you have any question or want to start a conversation, feel free to leave a message below or send me an email to :)
